Bulletproof Blueprint for Career Success: Trust, Influence, and Informal Networking
Some people look at the road they have or will travel to career success as daunting, unattainable, inaccessible, and every other negative word in the dictionary. However, they look to the person on their left and right and think “Wow! They are so lucky! I wish opportunities fell in my lap the way they fall into theirs.” Well, I’m here to let you in on a little secret. You may be absolutely right about the blessings that rain on others, but it is absolutely attainable for you!
There are 5 best kept secrets on how to get your career, product, goals, etc. to the next level and I call them the bulletproof blueprint for career success. The same way that law enforcement officers ensure that their bulletproof vests are secure and construction workers don’t break ground without their handy blueprint, is the same way that we all should be prepared to achieve the career success that we rightfully deserve.
Each step will be published on Sundays and Wednesdays at 3PM EST beginning November 28th, 2021 through December 12th, 2021. By the time you’re finished with these informative reads and apply this knowledge to your day-to-day life, you’re going to be an unstoppable powerhouse to be reckoned with in your profession.
Step 1. Trust, Influence, and Informal Networking
Just about everything in this world revolves around trust. When you pay your bills online, you trust that the transaction went through and that you can continue using the service you are paying for. When you order food from a restaurant, you trust that the order will be made safely and with the highest quality of ingredients. When you go to the voting poll, you trust that your vote will be counted and that the person you voted for will deliver on their promises. The same trust is needed to get your career to the next level. You will need to be prudent in the way you increase your trust with the individuals who decide the next direction your career will take.
Luckily for us all, Bonnie St. John, an author, public speaker, and the first African American Winter Olympic Medalist, has developed the Seven Building Blocks of Trust for Informal Networking and Influence (also known as the 7 C’s).
I. Competence– Let your work and your skills do the talking. This will be the supporting evidence you need to prove why you deserve a seat at the table.
II. Commonality – Find common ground. People are more inclined to support others that share similar beliefs, experiences, or values. The only way to achieve this is to slowly peel back your layers and reveal to them the real you. You’ll be surprised how similar we all are when we start sharing more about ourselves.
III. Communication – Balance the art of listening and talking. Share more of your inner thoughts and feelings, but also be a great listener of both verbal and non-verbal cues. As you’re listening to them, pick up on the language they use, e.g., task vs. people focus, or facts vs. emotions.
IV. Commitment – Deliver on the promises you make. Show them that you are reliable and worthy of the title you seek. You also want to show them that you were not using them for their connections, which means you must show dedication to building a long-lasting relationship.
V. Character – Be genuine. Be kind. Be you. Be a good example of the position you seek.
VI. Caring – Put people first. Be empathetic, inquisitive, and clarify your strengths/how you can best be of service.
VII. Continuity – Continue building on all the above. Maintain regular contact with the individual. Continue checking in with them, as well as sharing updates on your personal journey.
Upon completion of this blog check out Step 2: Telling and Selling Your Value (after 3PM EST on December 1st, 2021) for further guidance on how to take your career to the next level of success.